
如果您是未成年人士 (年齡介乎13至17歲),除您本人應該遵守本條款及條件外,您必須請您的父母親(或監護人)同時確實閱讀、瞭解並同意遵守本條款及條件之所有內容後,方能開始下載或使用本網站的服務與軟件。當您於本條款及條件修改或變更後仍然繼續瀏覽或使用本網站的服務與軟件時,即表示您及您的父母親(或監護人)也確實閱讀、瞭解並同意遵守本條款及條件之修改或變更。

進入及使用: 您可根據本條款及條件進入及以個人非商業用途使用本網站。除非另有明確授權,否則您不得複製、重製、複印、出售、轉售、使用、操控、干擾、發布、傳送、分發、表演、展示、張貼、修改、製作衍生作品、授權或以其他方式利用本網站或本內容(定義見下文)的部分或全部。您不得:

(a)      進入或使用本網站而導致、或可能導致本網站或進入本網站的過程被中斷、受任何損壞或損害;

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賬户的目的:您必須是18歲或以上才可與我們登記。如果您是未成年人士 (年齡介乎13至17歲) ,您的父母親(或監護人)必須代您申請賬户方能使用我們的服務與軟件。 您的賬户可以讓您進入於各種服務(定義見下文)及於這些服務中或透過這些服務進行不同的交易。我們會使用您的登記資料(定義見下文)不時通知您優惠和促銷。即使您終止服務或停止進入服務,我們仍然會按照閣下的意願使用您的登記資料來通知您優惠和促銷。如果您在任何時間不希望將來收到這些通知,您可於opt-out@pccw.com通知我們您選擇不收取並附上您的登記名稱及登入身份。




服務:您的賬户可讓您進入以下服務及於這些服務中或透過這些服務進行不同的交易:MOOV Shop 及我們可能不時提供的其他服務(「服務」)。您確認我們可自行及不論是否給予您通知,(i) 改變您可透過賬户進入的服務,(ii)修改或終止任何服務,(iii)限制您進入任何服務(部份或全部服務)。除了本條款和條件,您進入及使用每項服務會受制於適用於該服務的其他條款及條件(「服務條款及條件」)。如就任何服務,其服務條款及條件的條款與本條款及條件的條款有所衝突,則就歧異的範圍下,以該服務的服務條款及條件的條款為準。

個人資料:根據所申請或使用的不同服務或組合服務,您的個人資料和其他資料(「資料」)均可能由一個或多個電訊盈科集團服務供應商,包括Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (「HKT」)、CSL Mobile Limited 香港移動通訊有限公司、Now TV Limited、Moov (Hong Kong) Limited及PCCW OTT (Hong Kong) LIMITED,按照個人資料(私隱)條例及私隱政策聲明(可見於 http://www.pccw.com/legal/privacy_c.html)所收集、使用和保留,其主要目的為處理申請和提供所申請或使用的服務及相關服務。上述文件,連同適用的服務條款及細則,亦規定了資料會被如何使用及其披露對象。資料或會披露予電訊盈科集團的關聯公司或有關公司、業務合作夥伴及債務追收代理及/或由該等公司使用,以處理申請及提供服務,並且管理服務賬戶。



(i)         您沒有透過您的賬户使用任何服務超過60天的時間;

(ii)         我們按法律要求;

(iii)        您違返本條款及條件之任何條款;

(iv)        您違返服務條款及條件之任何條款;或

(v)        我們停止提供所有服務。



知識: 本網站及其內容均屬我們所有,我們對其有控制權或使用權,亦受適用的知識產權或其他法律或國際公約所保護。本網站內容以一個有限的使用授權向您提供服務,您只可以根據本條件及條款使用本網站內容用作個人及非商業用途,您不會因進入或使用本網站而獲得任何知識產權。

免責聲明: 我們對以下情況不作聲明或保證: 本網站之可供取用、進入不會被打斷、不會有延誤、故障、錯誤或遺漏或失去傳送的資料、沒有病毒或其他感染性或具破壞性的物質被傳送、或者不會對您的電腦系統造成損害。您須就足夠保護和數據及/或設備的備份負全部責任,並採取合理而適當的預防措施以搜索電腦病毒或其他具破壞性的物質。


轉讓:我們可於任何時間將本條款及條件中所載的全部或任何部份之權利及/或責任轉讓給任何人士。 您不可分配、轉讓或再授權您在本條款及條件中的任何的權利或責任。


雜項:以本條款及條件之英文版本為準(如有中文版本),所提及到“我們”及“我們的”乃指Moov (Hong Kong) Limited.

版本: 2024/09_001

These terms and conditions apply to you whether you are visiting or using this website.  By visiting or using this website, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”).  

If you are a minor (a person aged between 13 and 17), you must first invite your parents (or guardians) to read and understand the Terms and Conditions, and they must agree to comply with and be bound by, together with you, all the contents of these Terms and Conditions. Thereafter, you shall be permitted to download or use the Services (as defined below) and software in this website. If you continue to visit or use the Services and software in this website when the Terms and Conditions have been amended and/or modified , your parents (or guardians) and yourself are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to comply with and be bound by the amended and/or modified Terms and Conditions.

Access and Use: You may access and make personal non-commercial use of this website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.  Unless otherwise expressly authorized herein, you may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, use, manipulate, tamper with, publish, transmit, distribute, perform, display, post, modify, create derivative works from, license or otherwise exploit any part or whole of this website or its Content (as defined below). You must not:

(a)           access or use this website in any way that causes, or is likely to cause, this website or access to it to be interrupted, damaged or impaired in any way;

(b)           access or use this website for fraudulent purposes or in connection with a criminal offence or other unlawful activity;

(c)           access or use this website for any competitive or commercial purpose;

(d)           permit any copying of any Content;

(e)           restrict or inhibit any other persons from using this website, including, without limitation, by means of “hacking” any part of this website or “hacking” or defacing any portion of this website;

(f)            modify, adapt, sub-license, translate, sell, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any software used in or in connection with this website;

(g)           use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other manual or automatic device or process to retrieve, index, “data mine,” or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of this website or its Content; and

(h)           hack, break into, access, use or attempt to hack, break into, access or use part of the this website, Content, and/or any data areas on our server(s) or without prior written authorization.

Content means all materials, including, but not limited to, its software or HTML code, scripts, text, artwork, photographs, images, designs, video, audio, marks, logos, and written and other materials that appear as part of this website.

Registration and Account: When registering with us through this website, you will be required to provide information about yourself.  You agree that any registration information you give to us will be true, accurate, correct and up-to-date.  By registering with us through this website, we will create an account for you (the “Account”).

Purpose of the Account: You may only register with us if you are age 18 or above. If you are a minor (a person aged between 13 and 17), you can only use our service if your parents (or guardians) apply to set up an Account on your behalf. Your Account will enable you to access different Services and to conduct different transactions within or through these Services. We will use your Registration Data (as defined below) to notify you of offers and promotions from time to time. Even if you terminate or cease to access the Services, we will still use your Registration Data to notify you of offers and promotions subject to your consent. If, at any time, you do not wish to receive such notifications in the future, you may opt out by notifying us at opt-out@pccw.com along with your registered name and the Login ID.

Security: You will have access to your Account by providing a login ID recognized by us (with relevant password) or, at our discretion, through a new login ID created for the Account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your access information and for controlling access to your Account and the computer through which you access your Account. You shall be responsible for all activities that occur under your Account whether or not the activities are conducted by you. You agree to inform us immediately if you become aware of any unauthorized use of your login ID and password or your Account, or you have any reason to believe that your password has become known to anyone else, or if your password is being, or is likely to be, used in an unauthorised manner.

Browse Cookies: To facilitate your use of your Account, we may issue to your computer blocks of data known as “cookies”. You must not alter, inhibit, restrict or break into any cookies we create in your computer.

Account Information: When registering with us, you may be required to provide information about yourself. You agree that any registration information you give to us be true, accurate, correct and up-to-date (“Registration Data”). You shall maintain and promptly update your Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.

Services: Your Account will enable you to access the following services and to conduct transactions within or through these Services: MOOV shop and such other services as may from time to time be made available by us (the “Services”). You acknowledge that we may, in our sole discretion and with or without notice to you, (i) vary the Services which you may access through your Account, (ii) modify or discontinue any of the Services (iii) restrict your access to any part or whole of any of the Services. In addition to these Terms and Conditions, your access to and use of each of these Services will be subject to other terms and conditions applicable to such Service (“Service Terms and Conditions”). In the event that in respect of any of these Services, any provisions in its Service Terms and Conditions shall contradict the provisions in these Terms and Conditions, to the extent of any such inconsistency, in respect of that particular Service, the provisions in its Service Terms and Conditions shall prevail over the provisions in these Terms and Conditions.

Personal Data and Information: Depending on the service or combination of services that you have applied for or are currently using, personal data and other information (“Data”) so provided is collected, used and retained by either one or more of the service providers of PCCW Group including Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (“HKT”),

CSL Mobile Limited 香港移動通訊有限公司, Now TV Limited, Moov (Hong Kong) Limited and PCCW OTT (Hong Kong) LIMITED in accordance with the requirements in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the Privacy Policy Statement (which can be viewed at http://www.pccw.com/legal/privacy.html) which also governs, together with the applicable terms and conditions of the service(s), how the Data is used and to whom it is disclosed. For the purpose of processing of application and provision of the service(s) and managing the service account, the Data could be used and/or disclosed to affiliates, related companies of the PCCW Group, business partners and debt collection agents.

Subject to your right indicated by checking the box (if provided during application process) or leaving it unchecked, the information in your application, including your contact information, service number and service account number, may be used in sending to you notice of gifts, discounts, privileged offers, benefit and any other promotions related either to this service being subscribed or to other kinds of goods and services, including telecommunications network services, computer peripheral, accessories and software, and the latest offers on various kinds of products or services, including travelling, banking, entertainment, transportation, household, apparel, food and beverages, insurance, education, health and wellness, social networking, media and high-end consumer products. Request for accessing or correction of personal data or any enquiry about using data for marketing activities can be made in writing to the Privacy Compliance Officer at PO Box 9896, GPO, Hong Kong.

Account Termination: We may at any time terminate your Account for any reasons including where:

(i)         your Account has not been used in any of the Services for a period of more than 60 days ;

(ii)         we are required by law;

(iii)        you are in breach of any provisions of the Terms and Conditions;

(iv)        you are in breach of any provisions of any Service Terms and Conditions; or

(v)        we cease to provide all of the Services.

In the event that we terminate your Account pursuant to the provisions in the Terms and Conditions, such termination shall take effect immediately once we send a notice to you notifying you of such termination at the email address you provide during your registration process, or such other email address notified to us prior to such termination. Once we terminate your Account, you will not be able to access your Account and we reserve the right to assign the login name of your Account to any other persons. Termination of your Account shall be without prejudice to any obligations you owed to us or any rights that may be accrued to us under any Service Terms and Conditions prior to such termination.

Limitation of Liability:  To the greatest extent permitted by law, our aggregate liability to you, on any legal basis, arising from and/or in connection with your Account including but not limited to your registration and any use of your Account shall in no event exceed HKD100.

Intellectual Property:  The design of this website and its Content are owned, controlled or licensed to us and are protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws and international treaties. All Content is provided under a limited license as a service to you and may be used only for personal use in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. You will not acquire any intellectual property rights in or to this website by your access or use.

Disclaimer: We do not represent or warrant that the website will be available, that access will not be interrupted, that there will be no delays, failures, errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information, that no viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties will be transmitted or that no damage will occur to your computer system. You have sole responsibility for adequate protection and back up of data and/or equipment and for undertaking reasonable and appropriate precautions to scan for computer viruses or other destructive properties.

Amendments: We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time; such modification shall be effective immediately upon the posting of the modified Terms and Conditions.  You are advised to review these Terms and Conditions regularly. Your continued access or use of your Account shall be deemed your acceptance of such modified Terms and Conditions.

Assignment: We may assign the whole or any part of the rights and/or obligations contained in these Terms and Conditions to any person at any time. You may not assign, transfer or sub-license all or any part of your rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions.

Governing Law, Jurisdiction: These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong SAR. You agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong SAR.

Miscellaneous: The English version of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail over the Chinese version (if any). References to “we”, “us” and “our” are references to Moov (Hong Kong) Limited.

Version: 2024/09_001