如何換領 MOOV 音樂服務
  1. 用手機或桌上電腦瀏覽 moov-music.com網頁,按「換領序號」。
  2. 輸入「換領序號」,然後按「下一步」。
  3. 以Facebook ,Apple ID或電郵登入,並輸入個人資料。
  4. 成功建立新帳戶。音樂服務到期日會於帳戶內顯示。可按「立即MOOV」連接到MOOV App使用。
  1. 登入MOOV帳戶後,於「設定」,然後按「換領序號」。
  2. 輸入「換領序號」,然後按「繼續」。
  3. 音樂服務到期日會於帳戶內顯示,按「確認」立即使用服務。
換領 MOOV 16 bit 音樂服務之條款及條件
  1. MOOV 16 bit MOOV音樂服務計劃(「本服務計劃」)及換領序號由MOOV (Hong Kong) Limited(「本公司」)提供。
  2. 換領序號僅適用於 :
    1. MOOV 音樂服務的新使用者;
    2. MOOV 14 天試用優惠的現有使用者;或
    3. 任何 MOOV 音樂服務的前使用者以及之前終止任何 MOOV 服務計劃的使用者,故此現有MOOV服務客戶需先自行終止原有服務計劃或待原有服務計劃結束後才可登記。
  3. 換領序號可於moov-music.com網站或MOOV手機App進行換領。您必須登記 MOOV帳戶方可換領本服務計劃。換領手續請參考「如何換領」指示。
  4. MOOV音樂服務及序號只可於香港使用,不能用作兌換現金、不得退還或轉售。
  5. 本服務計劃提供線上音樂服務,MOOV服務通過互聯網向用戶傳送歌曲及音樂影像。MOOV電腦版本不提供16 bit音樂質素,亦不設歌曲、音樂影像及其他服務內容下載。MOOV App (iOS及Android版) 提供128kps, 320kps 及16 bit音樂質素, 設有歌曲下載及離線收聽,但僅於訂購服務期內有效。使用MOOV App有可能衍生流動數據費用,詳情請向您的相關電話網絡供應商查詢。
  6. 換領序號不適用於MOOV Family Plan帳戶,如有查詢請電郵至moovcs@moov-music.com。
  7. 換領序號不適用於使用第三方付款平台的MOOV帳戶 (如iOS平台上的iTunes或 Android平台上的Google Play),如有查詢請電郵至moovcs@moov-music.com。
  8. 如您對換領手續或換領序號的適用性有任何查詢,請發送電郵至moovcs@moov-music.com。
  9. 您須在收到附有換領序號的電郵起計14日內兌換MOOV服務,否則換領序號將於該電郵發出的14日後自動失效,而本公司並不會就此負責或作出任何賠償或補發任何換領序號。
  10. 您應自行保管換領序號,如有任何遺失或遭人盜用,本公司不會就此負責或作出任何賠償或補發任何換領序號。
  11. 本服務計劃為本公司根據MOOV服務條款及條件提供,詳情請見https://general.moov.hk/tnc/apptnc.html 。您換領、啟動或登記本服務計劃,即表示您同意接受MOOV條款及條件及本條款及條件的約束。兩份條款及條件如有任何衝突,差異之處以本條款及條件為準。
  12. 在法律容許的最大範圍內,本公司將不對任何人承擔任何與換領序號有關或因換領序號而引起或有關的任何直接、間接、特殊、附帶、示範、懲罰或衍生之損害(包括效用、數據、業務或利潤的損失),無論是否基于合約、保證、侵權行為(包括疏忽)、絕對法律責任或其他,及無論您是否曾經被告知可能會產生有關損失或損害。
  13. 本公司可隨時更改本條款及條件而不另行通知。本條款及條件如有更改,本條款及條件更新版將於發布至MOOV Shop網頁及/或MOOV專頁之時立刻生效(以較早者為準)。
  14. 如任何人士違反或未能遵守本條款及條件,本公司有權在任何時候取消其參加本服務計劃的資格。
  15. 本條款及條件受香港特別行政區(「香港」)法律所管轄,並按照香港法律詮釋,並且不受法律衝突原則管制。任何及全部有關因優惠套裝或本條款及條件而產生的訴訟、索賠或法律程序必須提交至香港具有司法管轄權的法院。
  16. 如就本服務計劃、MOOV音樂服務或換領序號有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。
How to redeem MOOV 16 bit Music Service
New customer:
  1. Go to moov-music.com via mobile or desktop and redemption code.
  2. Enter the redemption code and click “Next”.
  3. Use Facebook, Apple ID or email address to login and input the personal data.
  4. The account is created successfully. The music service period will be displayed in your account. And you can use the service now.
Existing customer:
  1. Login MOOV account and click redemption code under Setting.
  2. Enter Redemption Code and click “Next”
  3. The music service period will be displayed in your account. And you can use the service now.
Terms and conditions of redeem MOOV 16 bit Music Service
  1. MOOV 16 bit Music Service (“this offer”)and the Redemption Codes are provided by MOOV (Hong Kong) Limited(”Moov HK”).
  2. The redemption code must be applied to:
    1. new subscribers of MOOV music service;
    2. current subscribers of the MOOV 14-days trial offer; or
    3. current subscribers of any MOOV music service and subscribers who had previously terminated any MOOV service plan. Current subscribers of any MOOV music service will not be eligible to subscribe to the Service Plan until they have terminated their existing service plan, or after the expiry of their existing service plan.
  3. This offer can be redeemed with the Redemption Code at the website moov-music.com or the MOOV app. You must register a new MOOV account in order to redeem this offer. Please refer to “How to Redeem” for Redemption.
  4. MOOV music service and the Redemption Codes can only be used in Hong Kong and cannot be exchanged for cash, refunded or resold
  5. The Service Plan provides music streaming services through delivering music tracks and music videos on the internet. MOOV PC version does not provide 16 bit quality for streaming, nor does it provide download service of music tracks, music videos and other music content. MOOV App (iOS and Android) provides 128kps, 320kps and 16 bit quality, and allows music download and offline listening which are only valid for use during the subscription period. You may incur mobile data charges for using MOOV App, please contact your mobile network providers for more details.
  6. Code(s) is not applicable to MOOV Family Plan account, please email moovcs@moov-music.com.
  7. Code(s) is not applicable to customers who pay via any third party payment platforms (for example, iTunes on iOS or Google Play on Android) , please email moovcs@moov-music.com.
  8. If you have any enquiry in relation to the redemption procedure or the Codes, please email moovcs@moov-music.com.
  9. You must obtain your MOOV service within 14 days after receiving the email, after which the redemption code expires. If you cannot obtain your MOOV service on the day the email is sent, thereby shortening your service period, Our Company shall not be held liable nor responsible for any loss, and will not resend any email carrying the redemption code.
  10. Please store your Code properly and safely. The Company shall not be responsible to provide compensation or reissue any Code in the event any Code is lost or misappropriated.
  11. The Service Plan is provided by MOOV (Hong Kong) Limited (“MOOV”) and is subject to service terms and conditions – please visit https://general.moov.hk/tnc/apptnc.html for details. By registering, using and/or activating the Service Plan, you agree to the terms and conditions herein, as well as the MOOV’s service terms and conditions.
  12. To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event will the Company be liable to you for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, exemplary, punitive or consequential damager (including loss of use, data, business or profits) arising out of or in connection with your participation in the Service Plan, whether such liability arises from any claim based upon contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, and whether or not you have been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage.
  13. The Service Plan is subject to change without notice. The Company may change any terms or conditions related to the Service Plan at any time without notice, the new version of terms and conditions will be released at MOOV shop website and/or MOOV website.
  14. If any person violates or fails to comply with these terms and conditions, the Company reserves the right to disqualify his/her eligibility for the Service Plan at any time.
  15. These terms and conditions are governed, interpreted and enforced by the laws of Hong Kong, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. Any and all legal actions, claims or proceedings arising out of, or in connection with the Service Plan and/or these terms and conditions must be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in Hong Kong.
  16. In case of any dispute regarding the Service Plan, MOOV music service or the Codes, the Company reserves the right of final decision.